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Investments to and from Argentina

RepensAR is a foundational event focused on alternative investments to and from Argentina. It arrives at the optimal moment. On one hand, Argentina is entering a new political-economic cycle and paradigm, and on the other, the world is undergoing profound geopolitical changes that create significant opportunities for Argentine entrepreneurial talent, investment potential, and intellectual capital. Both within and beyond our borders.


Private Equity - Real Estate - Infrastructure - Venture Capital - Agriculture - Art - Financial Market - Mining - Technology

Who It Is Targeted At


Small, Medium, and

Large Companies


Politicians and Leaders in Science and Culture


Ignacio Bartolomé

Ignacio Bartolomé

CEO Grupo Don Mario

Alexander Busse

Alexander Busse

Managing Partner at NXTP Venture


Jorge Bustamante

Author of 'La República Corporativa'

Fernando Fragueiro

Fernando Fragueiro

President of Parque Empresarial Austral & Founder of IAE

Miguel Gutierrez

Miguel Gutiérrez

Partner The Rohatyn Group

Sofia Gutierrez

Sofía Gutiérrez

Alternative Investments Compass Group

Ramiro Julia

Ramiro Juliá

Founder & CEO Americas

Capital Investments

Hernan Kazah

Hernán Kazah

Co-Founder & Managing Partner Kaszek,

CFO & Co-founder Mercado Libre

Political leaders

Luis Caputo

Luis Caputo

Minister of Economy of the Argentine Nation

Attendance subject to schedule

Santiago Bausili

Santiago Bausili

President of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic

Attendance subject to schedule


Luis Caputo

Luis Caputo

Minister of Economy of the Argentine Nation

Attendance subject to schedule

Santiago Bausili

Santiago Bausili

President of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic

Attendance subject to schedule

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Steve Weikal

Industry Chair, MIT Real Estate Transformation Lab

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Francisco Aldaya

 Editor-in-Chief of Bloomberg Línea

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Gonzalo Aziz

Partner Invecq Consulting SA

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Santiago Bulat

Partner Invecq Consulting SA

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Lara López Calvo

Economist at La Nación+

Advisory Committee

Martin Bameule

Martín Bameule

Advisor at Tyndall Group

Ignacio Esteves

Ignacio Esteves

Capital Advisor & Ex Private

Banking Safra Group

Teofilo Lacroze

Teófilo Lacroze

Regional CEO of Mobility at Raízen &

Former President of Shell


Ramiro López Larroy

Partner Integras Capital

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Francisco Aldaya

Editor-in-Chief of Bloomberg Línea

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Gonzalo Aziz

Journalist at TN and author

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Steve Weikal

Industry Chair, MIT Real Estate

Transformation Lab

Academic Council

Organizing Team

Martin Bameule

Martín Bameule

Advisor at Tyndall Group

Ignacio Esteves

Ignacio Esteves

Capital Advisor & Ex Private

Bnaking Safra Group

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Facundo Sonatti

Business journalist and researcher

Rosario Bibiloni

Rosario Bibiloni

Marketing Manager at Americas

Capital Investments

Ramiro Julia

Ramiro Juliá

Founder & CEO Americas

Capital Investments

Sara Muñoz

Sara Muñoz Madrid

Wealth Management Bunker Invest

Facundo Sonatti

Facundo Sonatti

Business journalist and researcher

Facundo Sonatti

Facundo Sonatti

Business journalist and researcher

Francisco Sosa

Francisco Sosa del Valle

Founder & CEO Bunker Invest





Welcome - Argentina, putting the opportunity in perspective.


Introduction - Is it time to end the legal, tax, and institutional obsolescence in Argentina?


A window to the region - How to allocate capital among the various industries offering opportunities in a region with over 420 million consumers.




United States, the indispensable one - On the eve of a new presidential race and with a scenario of falling interest rates, what are the key elements that should not be overlooked when investing in the world’s largest economy?



A field, a country - Argentina offers more than 80 million hectares of grasslands for developing livestock, crops, and adding value at the source in a sustainable way. How does a giant do it?


Conquering Brazil - The playing field of South America’s largest economy is also the most competitive, and the insights of an Argentine with strong credentials contribute valuable experience to make strides in that game.

A new dimension - Argentina, entering a new political-economic cycle and paradigm, offers a set of multi-level opportunities in diverse areas: mining, energy, tech, real estate, and infrastructure. An expert outlines how they are making it possible.



Facundo Sonatti

Facundo Sonatti

Business journalist and researcher

Private Equity


It involves buying and selling stakes in unlisted companies, to generate high returns through their restructuring and growth. It is a long-term investment that can also provide liquidity to developing companies.

real estate


Offers passive rental income and long-term capital appreciation. This asset allows you to diversify a portfolio with low correlation to the stock market, and provides tax advantages such as depreciation deductions and profits from the sale. It is a safe haven against inflation due to its stability and tangibility, and leverage can increase the return on invested capital.

Venture Capital


It offers high return and diversification by investing in startups with innovation and low correlation with public markets. Provides access to emerging technologies and encourages job creation.

Implica comprar y vender participaciones en empresas no cotizadas en bolsa, para generar altos rendimientos a través de su reestructuración y crecimiento. Es una inversión a largo plazo que también puede proveer liquidez a empresas en desarrollo.
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Ofrece ingresos pasivos por alquileres y apreciación a largo plazo del capital. Este activo permite diversificar una cartera con baja correlación al mercado bursátil, brinda ventajas fiscales como deducciones por depreciación y beneficios por la venta. Es un refugio seguro contra la inflación debido a su estabilidad y tangibilidad, y el apalancamiento puede aumentar el rendimiento del capital invertido.
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Ofrece alto retorno y diversificación al invertir en startups con innovación y baja correlación con mercados públicos. Proporciona acceso a tecnologías emergentes y fomenta la creación de empleos.
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El sector agropecuario es crucial para la producción de alimentos y materias primas. Las inversiones abarcan tierras, acciones, fondos y contratos de futuros. Ofrece oportunidades de ganancia por la valorización de tierras y la alta demanda de alimentos y biocombustibles, aunque presenta riesgos como fluctuaciones de precios, impactos climáticos y regulaciones políticas que pueden afectar la rentabilidad.
Ofrece diversas oportunidades como acciones, bonos, fondos y ETFs, buscando rendimientos por valorización o ingresos periódicos. Permite ajustar el riesgo según objetivos y obtener rendimientos competitivos, pero con riesgos como volatilidad, fluctuaciones de precios y factores macroeconómicos.
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Involucra la extracción de recursos naturales con valor en el mercado global. La rentabilidad depende de precios, costos, políticas y condiciones económicas. Es una inversión tangible con potencial de crecimiento a largo plazo, pero con riesgos como volatilidad de precios y desafíos ambientales y regulatorios. En Argentina, hay interés en el litio, cobre, potasio y carbonato de sodio.
Es un activo de inversión que contribuye a diversificar una cartera por su gran potencial de apreciación a largo plazo, protección contra la inflación, valor tangible y principalmente estético, prestigio, acceso a mercados globales y beneficios fiscales. El arte tiene un gran valor cultural y emocional, y riesgos asociados como su liquidez limitada.
Este tipo de inversión es atractivo por su estabilidad y previsibilidad de ingresos, protección contra la inflación, demanda constante, potencial de apreciación de capital, incentivos gubernamentales, impacto social y económico, y contribución a la sustentabilidad. Es una opción valiosa para inversores que buscan rendimientos a largo plazo y diversificación de riesgos.
Tiene un alto potencial de crecimiento, capacidad de diversificación sectorial, acceso global, impacto en la eficiencia y productividad, beneficios fiscales y regulatorios, resiliencia en entornos volátiles, potencial de apreciación del capital y contribución a la sostenibilidad y responsabilidad social.
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Eduardo Marty

Founder of the Foundation for Intellectual Responsibility

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Julio César Fermo

Partner at Columbus Investment Banking

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Fernando Fragueiro

President of Parque Empresarial Austral and Founder of IAE



As the third-largest economy in Latin America, Argentina has a GDP of USD 622 billion in 2023. It offers a broad market and is receptive to foreign investment, with several growing economic sectors.

Estados Unidos


It guarantees political stability and a transparent system for foreign investors, further enhancing the appeal of its high returns. With a GDP per capita of $76,329.6 (2022), the United States stands out as a prominent destination for global real estate investments.

Reino Unido


It offers economic stability supported by a stable democracy that ensures security for investors and a diversified range of assets. The stability of its currency, favorable for long-term investments, minimizes the risk of fluctuations that could impact investment returns. With a GDP per capita of $46,125.3 (2022), the United Kingdom stands out as a favorable investment environment.



It offers economic stability supported by a stable democracy that ensures security for investors and a diversified range of assets. The stability of its currency, favorable for long-term investments, minimizes the risk of fluctuations that could impact investment returns. With a GDP per capita of $46,125.3 (2022), the United Kingdom stands out as a favorable investment environment.

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José Sosa del Valle

Partner Lexington Partnerrs



The agricultural sector is key to the global production of food and agricultural raw materials. Investments include land, stocks, funds and futures contracts. It offers profit opportunities from land appreciation and growing demand for food and biofuels, but carries risks such as price fluctuations, climate impacts and political regulations that affect short- and long-term profitability.

Mercado Financiero


It offers various opportunities such as stocks, bonds, funds and ETFs, seeking returns through appreciation or periodic income. It allows you to adjust risk according to objectives and obtain competitive returns, but with risks such as volatility, price fluctuations and macroeconomic factors.



It involves the extraction of natural resources with value in the global market. Profitability depends on prices, costs, policies and economic conditions. It is a tangible investment with long-term growth potential, but with risks such as price volatility and environmental and regulatory challenges. In Argentina, there is interest in lithium, copper, potassium and sodium carbonate.

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Rosario Bibiloni

Marketing Manager

Americas Capital Investments

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Ramiro Juliá

Founder & CEO Americas

Capital Investments



It is an investment asset that contributes to diversifying a portfolio due to its great potential for long-term appreciation, protection against inflation, tangible and mainly aesthetic value, prestige, access to global markets and tax benefits. Art has great cultural and emotional value, and associated risks such as its limited liquidity.



This type of investment is attractive for its stability and predictability of income, protection against inflation, constant demand, potential for capital appreciation, government incentives, social and economic impact, and contribution to sustainability. It is a valuable option for investors seeking long-term returns and risk diversification.



It has high growth potential, capacity for sector diversification, global access, impact on efficiency and productivity, tax and regulatory benefits, resilience in volatile environments, potential for capital appreciation and contribution to sustainability and social responsibility.

Founder of the Foundation for Intellectual Responsibility

Eduardo Marty

Eduardo Marty.png
Investment portfolio

We invite you to complete a survey sharing your investment percentages by market and by asset. The data is confidential.



It represents political and economic stability. With the highest GDP per capita in South America, standing at USD 22,564.5 in 2023, it is in a phase of economic recovery, offering attractive tourism opportunities. The high quality of life attracts both investors and residents. Uruguay has a market with investment-friendly conditions and benefits such as reduced rates.



It has solid economic growth, political stability, and a young population. The government offers tax incentives and a robust legal framework, facilitating foreign investments. With a GDP of USD 363 billion in 2023, Colombia is the fourth-largest economy in Latin America.



It is the second-largest economy in Latin America after Brazil, with a GDP of approximately USD 1.6 trillion in 2023 (current USD). The country has a robust tourism sector and expanding major cities such as Mexico City and Monterrey. Government policies encourage foreign investment, supported by a stable legal framework that facilitates transactions.



It offers a stable political and economic environment, which generates confidence among investors. Its open economy has boosted trade and investment, excelling in mining and viticulture. Additionally, the country has been a pioneer in financing green economy projects. The real estate market, especially in Santiago and Valparaíso, is expanding. The Chilean government provides tax incentives and favorable policies to attract foreign investment, supported by a solid legal framework.

Auditorium at MALBA Museum

Av. Figueroa Alcorta 3415, CABA



Tuesday, September 10, 8:30 AM.

Gustavo Martello

Gustavo Martello

Investor and Advisor in Technology Startups

Eduardo Marty

Eduardo Marty

Founder of the Foundation for

Intellectual Responsibility

Maria Marty

María Marty

President Ayn Rand Center Latin America

Daniel Pelegrina

Daniel Pelegrina

Consultant in Agribusiness & Former President of the Argentine Rural Society

Martin Rastellino.png

Martín Rastellino

Board Member Duke University &

Co-Founder Despegar

Pablo Rodriguez de la Torre.png

Pablo Rodríguez de la Torre

Senior Client Partner Argentina,

Korn Ferry International

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José Sosa del Valle

Partner Lexington Partners


Auditorium at MALBA Museum

Av. Figueroa Alcorta 3415, CABA


Tuesday, September 10, 8:30 AM.

Eduardo Marty.png

Eduardo Marty

Founder of the Foundation for

Intellectual Responsibility

Ignacio Bartolomé

Ignacio Bartolomé

CEO Grupo Don Mario

Alexander Busse

Alexander Busse

Managing Partner at NXTP Ventures


Jorge Bustamante

Author of 'La República Corporativa'

Fernando Fragueiro

Fernando Fragueiro

President of Parque Empresarial Austral and Founder of IAE

Miguel Gutierrez

Miguel Gutiérrez

Partner The Rohatyn Group

Sofia Gutierrez

Sofía Gutiérrez

Alternative investments Compass Group

Ramiro Julia

Ramiro Juliá

Founder & CEO Americas

Capital Investments

Hernan Kazah

Hernán Kazah

Co-Founder & Managing Partner Kaszek, CFO & Co-founder Mercado Libre

Gustavo Martello

Gustavo Martello

Investor and Advisor in Technology Startups

Martin Otero.png

Martín Otero Monsegur

Partner Towerco

Investments LLC

Santiago Bulat.png

Santiago Bulat

Partner Invecq Consulting SA

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Lara López Calvo

Journalist at La Nación+

Teofilo Lacroze

Teófilo Lacroze

CEO Regional Movilidad Raizen & Ex Presidente Shell


Ramiro López Larroy

Partner Integras Capital

Gustavo Martello

Gustavo Martello

Investor and Advisor in Technology Startups

Eduardo Marty.png

Eduardo Marty

Founder of the Foundation for

Intellectual Responsibility

Maria Marty.png

María Marty

President Ayn Rand Center Latin America

Daniel Pelegrina.png

Daniel Pelegrina

Consultant in Agribusiness & Former President of the Argentine Rural Society

Sara Muñoz.png

Sara Muñoz Madrid

Wealth Management

Bunker Invest

Francisco Sosa.png

Francisco Sosa del Valle

Founder & CEO Bunker Invest

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Media Partners


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Como la tercera economía de América Latina, Argentina tiene un PIB de USD 622 mil millones en 2023. Ofrece un amplio mercado y es receptiva a la inversión extranjera, con varios sectores económicos en crecimiento.
Garantiza estabilidad política y un sistema transparente para inversores extranjeros, facilitando aún más el atractivo de sus altos rendimientos. Con un PBI per cápita de 76,329.6 dólares (2022), Estados Unidos se posiciona como un destino destacado para inversiones inmobiliarias globales.
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Ofrece estabilidad económica respaldada por una democracia estable que garantiza seguridad a los inversores y una oferta diversificada de activos. La estabilidad de su moneda, favorable para inversiones a largo plazo, minimiza el riesgo de fluctuaciones que podrían impactar el retorno de inversión. Con un PBI per cápita de 46,125.3 dólares (2022), el Reino Unido se destaca como un entorno favorable de inversiones.
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Experimenta estabilidad económica y un mercado en expansión, impulsado por un crecimiento económico constante. Además, tiene un incremento significativo en la inversión extranjera, respaldado por políticas gubernamentales diseñadas para atraer capitales internacionales. Con su reciente clasificación como la novena economía mundial por volumen de PBI según la OCDE en 2023, y un PBI per cápita de 8,917.7 dólares (2022), el país emerge como un mercado dinámico y prometedor para oportunidades de inversión.
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Representa un excelente mercado para invertir gracias a su estabilidad política y económica. Tiene el PIB per cápita más alto de Sudamérica, siendo de USD 22,564.5 en 2023. El país se encuentra en una fase de recuperación de la actividad económica e inmobiliaria, con atractivas oportunidades turísticas. La alta calidad de vida atrae tanto a inversores como a residentes. Uruguay tiene un mercado con facilidades para la inversión y beneficios como tasas reducidas.
Colombia presenta un sólido crecimiento económico, estabilidad política y una población joven. El gobierno ofrece incentivos fiscales y un marco jurídico robusto, facilitando las inversiones extranjeras. Con un PIB de USD 363 mil millones en 2023, Colombia es la cuarta economía de América Latina.
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México es la segunda economía más grande de América Latina después de Brasil, con un PIB de aproximadamente USD 1,6 billones en 2023 (USD corrientes). El país cuenta con un sector turístico robusto y grandes ciudades en expansión como Ciudad de México y Monterrey. Las políticas gubernamentales fomentan la inversión extranjera, respaldadas por un marco jurídico estable que facilita las transacciones.
La estabilidad política e institucional de Chile genera confianza en los inversores. Su modelo económico abierto ha fortalecido el comercio y la inversión en las últimas décadas. Conocido por sus industrias minera y vitivinícola, Chile tiene un marco económico estable y fue uno de los primeros en financiar proyectos de economía verde. El mercado inmobiliario está en crecimiento, especialmente en ciudades como Santiago y Valparaíso. El gobierno chileno ofrece incentivos fiscales y políticas favorables para atraer inversión extranjera, respaldadas por un sólido marco legal​.
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Gustavo Martello

Investor and Advisor in Technology Startups

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Martín Otero Monsegur

Partner Towerco Investments LLC

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Matías Peire

Co-founder GRIDX

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Francisco Sosa del Valle

Founder & CEO Bunker Invest

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Matías Peire

Co-founder GRIDX

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Francisco Sosa del Valle

Industry Chair, MIT Real Estate Transformation Lab

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Julio César Fermo

Partner at Columbus Investment Banking

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Fernando Fragueiro

President of Parque Empresarial Austral & Founder of IAE

Lucas Grosman

Dean of Universidad de San Andrés

Lucas Grosman.png
María Isnardi.png

María López Isnardi

Founder of the Foundation for

Intellectual Responsibility

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Martín Rastellino

Board Member Duke University &

Co-Founder Despegar

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Pablo Rodríguez de la Torre

Senior Client Partner Argentina, Korn Ferry International

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Lucas Grosman

Dean of San Andrés University

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María López Isnardi

Director of Philanthropic and Alumni Relations, UTDT

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